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Élie Bolard (Pontarlier, 1999) is developing a practice centred on contemporary technologies, looking at how they work and the monopoly of technical knowledge. His installations and sculptures are a blend of clumsy DIY and industrial language. All these installations are motorised and intrinsically sonorous: the electronics are visible and the mechanisms are audible. These machines echo a standardised world where gesture is omnipresent. Automation plays an essential role in his work, both from a theoretical and critical point of view and from a visual point of view. These machines, endowed with their own intelligence and reactions, lead the viewer to consider them as beings in their own right. Everything is in motion, everything is alive, but the human being is no longer invited in, or is reduced to the status of producer.
fonts : Hershey Noailles - Luuse
photo credits : William Delgrande - Murphy Yum - Paul Bogard